
Public Speaking

Our team of professional actors are here to help with all your solo speaking needs. Whether you have an important speech coming up, need some help with presenting at work, or you would just like to focus on your own communication skills, a one-to-one session could give you the confidence and technique to communicate in a clear, direct and engaging way.

We will explore:

  • the voice and how to use it

  • posture and positive body language

  • bringing the text off the page

  • confidence in front of others


Interviews can be quite daunting, especially if you’re not used to being in that environment often. We can prepare you as best we can so that you go into your interview feeling confident, relaxed and ready to give it your best shot. 

We recommend at least two 1 hour sessions plus a consultation. 


A 30 min chat on the phone or on Zoom to discuss everything about the job and what you’d like help with/improve. 

Session One

This session will explore all the possible questions and scenarios, and how best to deliver your interview in the most professional, honest and confident way. We’ll give you a masterclass in body language and gesturing, responding in the moment, plus vocal technique and breath support. If you’re feeling particularly anxious, we have some tips to help battle nerves.

Session Two

In this session we will set up a mock interview situation with a professional actor and role play the entire interview as close to real-life as possible. We find this is the best way to practise for the real thing. Feedback will be given afterwards.  

Child interviews and 11+

Our interview sessions for kids help to give them the space and confidence to practise their communication skills in a fun and age appropriate way. 

In these sessions, we’ll go through all the possible questions that might be asked, how to form the best answer and most importantly, how to deliver a clear and articulate response whilst showcasing their brilliant personality. We do this through drama, improvisation and role play, as well as voice and body language exercises. We also work with anxious children and give them ways to tackle nerves. 

We’d love to learn how we can help you. Get in touch by clicking the link below.